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My intention is to capture the spirit or essence of a theme through the medium of painting. As a form of communication, painting is a sophisticated language, capable of evoking powerful emotions and memories.

            I am compelled to paint when a feeling washes over me in such a way that the feelings speak in the form of colors, shapes and textures.
            My truest, most honest paintings, come through me in the forms of energy which evolve into a complex image in my imagination.
            The closer I can be present with my deepest reactions, the more the image ‘paints itself’ on the canvas.
            How a painting unfolds, continues to engage my attention.
            Painting is a life-long, endless adventure of looking, learning and evolving perceptions.
            It is my desire to uplift and inspire others through the work that flows through my brushes and to paint and explore for the rest of my life.

Jen-Ann Kirchmeier, a life-long artist, has spent the last 26 years living and painting in bush Alaska.